Monday, March 2, 2015

The Ukraine Cease-Fire: A Rocky Bridge

According to USAtoday, the United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, has claimed to be excited and hopeful for the possible cease-fire between Russian and Ukraine forces. The conflict between the Ukrainians and Russians has caused an approximate 6,000 deaths on both sides combined, so I can almost guarantee that Kerry is not the only one who wishes for the battles to end. Both sides have been pulling weaponry out of conflict zones to further solidify the concept of a cease-fire. However, both the Ukrainians and Russians have claimed that the other have been violating the cease-fire, resulting in a prolonged conflict. The Russians have denied all claims of supplying the rebels that support the idea of creating a Russian-backed Ukraine. Of course, in combat opposite factions will not believe the other combating force, so therefore, the concept of a cease-fire has become shaky. One event that resulted in the break of the cease-fire for a period of time was the moment when a mortar shell struck and exploded on a civilian bus, killing at least 10 people. Both sides refuse to take responsibility for the incident, resulting in the Russian-backed separatists blaming the Ukrainian forces and the Ukrainian forces accusing the Russian-backed separatists. Also, many believe Vladimir Putin will refuse to leave the Ukraine unless he has something to show for his country's fighting. Personally, I do not believe that the conflict will end very easily. Even if a cease-fire is signed and the countries do agree to no longer fight, there will be those with so much pent up anger and frustration, plus the added feeling of not getting your point across, that small, rebellious conflicts would continue to persist. The Ukrainian crisis is a terrible incident that I do hope can be resolved as soon as possible.

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