Friday, February 27, 2015

The BATFE or ATF: Why They Must Go

M855 Ammunition aka "Green-tip bullets" alongside "orange-
tip" tracer rounds.
According to FoxNews, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or BATFE, has proposed a ridiculous bill. This new backdoor gun control bill will, if passed, ban any and all M855 ball 5.56x45mm ammunition. They state that the bill was passed to save the lives of police officers, due to the fact that M855 possesses a steel core that aids it in passing directly through a police officer's soft body armor. However, all rifle ammunition, even without a steel core, possesses too great a velocity that it would not matter, that is why the original bill passed by the BATFE specifically banned armor piercing handgun ammunition, but not rifle bullets. Of course, the BATFE being the anti-gun organization that they are, decided that they are going to attempt to stop the use of firearms by making bullets practically impossible to purchase for the working individual, so that the firearms are useless. For those who do not know, M855 is surplus ammunition from the United States military that many law abiding citizens purchase cheaply to have fun shooting at the range or to hone their skills at shooting courses. Not only is the BATFE limiting the law abiding citizen's ability to protect him/herself by banning cheap ammunition, but they are also creating a law that makes no sense other than to push an anti-gun agenda. While the BATFE is stating that they are trying to save police officers' lives with this law, let us not forget the ATF's (their original name) participation in the gun running operation: "Operation Fast and Furious." The ATF allowed thousands of fully-automatic firearms and even grenade launchers to be given to Mexican drug cartels. These cartels are still using said weapons to murder hundreds to thousands of innocent Mexican citizens and even an American Border Patrol member named Brian Terry. The ATF is responsible for those murders, as they gave those weapons to those murderers. The AFT, or BATFE, or whatever they are called, needs to be abolished, as they have no clue what they are talking about and their only wish is to take away the rights of those who wish to protect themselves from the criminals.
Sums up everything in eight minutes by the great Tim from
 Military Arms Channel.

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