Thursday, February 5, 2015

Boko Haram: A Long History of Jihadists in Africa

According to BBC, the jihadist group that is known as Boko Haram, meaning "Western education is a sin," has been attacking and kidnapping many individuals in the northern locations of Cameroon. Now, of course, this is nothing new to those who have been paying attention to the news in the past months and years. The motive behind such demonstrations of violence is what may be news to some. The attacks against civilians had truly begun once the Cameroon government began sending troops to search and assault locations of hiding that Boko Haram were using. I am not saying that it is the government's fault that civilians are being hurt by Boko Haram. Of course, something had to be done about them. However, due to a severe stress and fear, the group began to attack anyone they did not see as a member of their gang or a jihad. Unfortunately, this is not the only time that Islamic extremists have plagued Africa's beautiful lands with pain and misery. In 2013, Al-Qaeda had been present in the North African country of Mali. They had been causing great difficulty for the residents and civilians who lived in Mali, as Al-Qaeda usually does. Due to the Islamic extremists' actions, French troops were sent in to suppress the individuals. The French were worried about "a terrorist state at the doorstep of France and Europe," according to the French Defense Minister. In village centers, Islamic jihadists could be found beating, flogging, and amputating civilians. I know I have said it before, but I believe that it needs to be said again, all Islamic extremists must be stopped, especially the newest to the scene of terrorism, ISIS.

The only way to get rid of rabies is to shoot the animal.

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