Friday, February 20, 2015

Why Isn't More Being Done About ISIS?!

According to FoxNews, the terrorist group known as ISIS has not slowed their terror attacks, if anything, they are advancing the pace at which the attacks occur. Just after even more beheadings, a cell of the terror group had attacked the Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi. In the attack, ISIS had commenced to burn the town, and in turn, burning approximately 45 Iraqis alive. Unfortunately, the hundreds of United States Marines stationed around five miles away were unable to reach the town, whether it be from a lack of communication and knowing the event was even occurring or just an inability to arrive fast enough. Even more depressing is the sad fact that the reports of this attack came very soon after the reports of the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians by members of ISIS. The Christians were marched along a beach, side-by-side with their soon-to-be murderer. After they reached the final destination, the captives were forced to kneel down and then one of the ISIS members, who wore different clothing than the rest, making him stand out, spoke a message to the camera. However, this message was different than the other speeches given, as it was in English. As a matter of fact, the entire event was different, due to the fact that multiple people were murdered brutally and the video does not cut out when the death begins. Many in the White House have stated their condolences and the White House spokesman, Josh Earnest, has said that such acts of violence display the "urgent need" for a political resolution to the situation. However, I am saddened to say that there is no political solution. The only solution for terrorists is a bullet. I once heard someone say, "The only way to stop violence is with greater violence," and that is the mentality needed for murderers such as ISIS. While America may not be such a frame of mind, the country of Iraq has placed Special Forces units to combat ISIS by using the same weapons most terrorists use, firearms and bullets. Now, do not get me wrong, they are not fighting in the same manner at the in human murderous terrorists, the Iraqi Special Forces are just leveling the playing field with some great tactics and firepower. And from the best of my knowledge, Private Military Contractors have been aiding the Iraqis as far back as 2007 and possibly even earlier. Hopefully, more will be done about ISIS in the near future.
Why do these people not fight back? If death is imminent,
would fighting not be a better option?

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