Friday, March 20, 2015

The Modern "Wild West"?- Anti-Gunners Irk Me

According to Al Jazeera, Tennessee has begun proposing a bill that would allow for open and concealed carry of firearms in areas such as parks and playgrounds. While the local governments of the state had the right to block access of such locations to those who carry, the new bill would allow all parks to be open to firearm's owners. The old bills that were proposed had been opted out by numerous towns and communities, causing great confusion pertaining to which parks were banned to firearms. This bill was proposed do to the fact that the state of Tennessee has "...had seven years of people with gun carry permits all across the state — in state parks, local parks, Little League games — and there's not been any problems. So this would just make it consistent across the state." Of course, with every sane firearm law that is passed, there just has to be a group of anti-gunners to rain down on the sanity with their ignorance. Kathleen Chandler Wright, one of the numerous members of the ridiculous "Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America," had stated "It's going to be allowing people to carry guns into playgrounds and places where we take our children. It doesn't seem right to have them come in and override the community's decision on whether to allow the guns." While she may seem like she is looking out for the children, she is simply trying to push an anti-gun agenda, plus, the fact that there are more firearms being held in one area by law-abiding citizens protects the children. What criminal who wishes to kill the largest amount of people is going to go where there is a large amount of firearms and people willing to protect themselves with said firearms. Chandler had also said, "We don't need any of these extreme gun bills. They would turn our city and our state in the Wild West." I wonder how many times anti-gunners will say that gun bills will turn states into the "Wild West," before they realize that not a single one has, yet they continuously say it will. Can they get a new saying to aggravate pro-gunners yet? Oh well, people like Chandler are simply a product of Obama's and the media's false statements about firearms. I mean, "It's easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable." Really Obama, I did not know that I had to wait until I was older than 21 to buy a fresh vegetable, because that is how it is for a handgun. Plus, they are not called "clips," they are "magazines." If you are going to preach about firearms, at least get the terminology correct. Oh yeah, "...machine guns in bars." Is it even necessary for presidents to understand the laws of America when they are sworn in? The National Firearms Act (NFA) pretty much made common ownership of machine guns impossible, so this whole "...machine guns in bars" thing is simply ridiculous and nothing more than a statement to push an agenda. I agree with law-abiding citizens carrying firearms everywhere they go, because the criminals and murderers surely are not going to take their gun off when they walk into a park full of children.
Proof that the media and government only wishes to influence
citizens' thoughts on firearms.

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