According to
BBC, there is a man who stands out from all of the "This person tried joining ISIS today" headlines that can be read practically every day. Instead of joining ISIS, a man named Ayyub Faleh al-Rubaie has been found in Iraq wielding either an axe, sword, and/or an M4A1 rifle. This man even has his own Facebook page, where he has approximately 300,000 likes and pictures of his can be seen always with a smile inside his large beard, no matter what is around him. This happy demeanor with such a terrifying looking soldier has given him an equally terrifying name: Abu Azrael, "the father of the archangel of death." He is a man who has seen conflict before his fighting with ISIS as well. Abu Azrael was one of the soldiers who fought against the Syrian rebels who wished to take President Assad out of office. This previous fighting must have hardened him to his enemies. Abu Azrael told the news agency AFP that he was a father of five and "You see [him] go to school to drop off [his] children and [he] is peaceful. But [he] show[s] another face to them (ISIS)." Oddly enough, this man was not a soldier to begin with. His original career was as a physical education teacher, which obviously helped him in the fitness aspect of fighting. One of the reasons why this legendary fighter came into the light and chose to start fighting ISIS was due to the "
Desert Lion." This murdering terrorist had been filmed by ISIS without a mask and had killed three Syrian truck drivers. The sight of such murders had caused Ayyub Faleh al-Rubaie to become Iraq's savior by become the fearsome warrior that would become known as "the father of the archangel of death." Abu Azrael is a man to be respected and should be given all the support that can possibly be given to him. Similar to the American named Jordan Matson who flew to Iraq to fight ISIS, they both need all the support they can receive so that they have more of a chance to make it home to their families. Anyone who goes out of their way to combat terrorists and murderers receives all of my respect, bonus points for those who do it with style (such as an axe or sword).

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