Friday, March 27, 2015

Haven't I Been Saying This the Whole Time?

More of this will save many more lives.
According to FoxNews, a man who was carrying a firearm legally had stopped a possible homicide before it could end the lives of innocents. At "Falah Barber Shop" on North Preston Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the barber and a customer had gotten into a heated argument. In the middle of the exchange, the barber said something to the effect of "Chill out" according to Yusaf Mack, one of the other customers who witnessed the shooting. After this, the angered customer had decided to pull a firearm and open fire at the barber. Luckily, the barber was not hit nor was the other eight to ten individuals that were occupying the building. Not so lucky for the shooter, however, a man with a legal carry permit had just so happened to walk into the shop at the exact same moment the shooting began. This man had responded not by ducking for cover, but instead with bravery, as he reacted by drawing his legal firearm and firing a round into the shooter's chest. The deserving recipient of the round had later passed away in a hospital. Not only did this brave and Good Samaritan save the life of the barber and who knows how many others inside, but he also decided to turn himself in to the police station, just in case he had actually committed a crime. Happily, this man will most likely not face charges for his heroic actions. Also, a woman living next door to the barber shop was interviewed on her opinion of the man. Her exact words were "Well, I take my hat off to him. Thankfully he was there 'cause it could have been a lot worse. Could have been a lot more people dead." I could not agree more with this woman. Had he not been there, or lived in a state like New York of California that greatly prohibits firearm carry, that man may not have been able to stop the criminal from shooting. Had the original customer that opened fire not been stopped, not only would the barber most likely be dead, but possibly other customers as well, some of which were children. But that reality will luckily never be seen, thanks to the actions of one brave individual. This is also not the only time a civilian carrying a firearm has put an end to a criminal's reign of terror. Of course, the pro-gun control government does not want their civilians to know this, however, so they just tell them that "guns are bad" and give each other high fives when another anti-gun law is passed. Obviously gun control does not work though, as Chicago, one of the cities with the toughest gun control, continues to have one of the highest murder rate in the nation. Also, there were approximately 7,000 illegal firearms confiscated in 2013, and yet the murders still continue to skyrocket. Maybe it is just me, but would it not be smart to realize that tough gun laws do not work when there continue to be tougher and tougher laws, yet more and more murders. Chicago should take a hint from the man at "Falah Barber Shop" and allow its citizens to carry firearms, then they would realize that firearms can save lives just as easily as they allow individuals to take them.

Mild language used: Viewer discretion advised

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