Friday, March 20, 2015

Can We Just Kick Anti-Gunners Out of This Country?

The inside of the fake store. If you want to aggravate a sane
pro-gunner like myself, just perform an idiotic anti-gun
act such as this.
According to FoxNews, a group of anti-gunners decided that they would spread their lies in New York City. They decided that the best way to do such a thing would be to open a fake gun shop, complete with realistic looking replica firearms. However, the anti-gunners decided to target those who do not know much about firearms. Not only was the targeted audience individuals who live in the city (cities, especially NYC, is known to be predominantly anti-gun), but they were also first time buyers. The anti-gunners targeted first time buyers because they knew that they would not know as much about firearms, as well as the fact that, even though more Americans are buying firearms, violent crime is at a 43 year low. The anti-gun schemers also decided to spread their agenda through the means of fear tactics and the not telling of the whole truth. While they did tell of true events, they did not tell of all the other events where firearms have been used to save the lives of thousands of innocent lives. Just one event where people were saved was in the LA Riots when numerous Korean merchants and shop owners began arming themselves in an attempt to protect themselves. The LA Riots had all began due to the simple fact that the police had been videotaped beating a black man named Rodney King. During the riots, approximately 54 people had been killed and around 1 billion dollars in damage was caused to the city. Due to the great amount of violence that had broken out, as stated above, various shop owners realized the potential for self-defense and collected firearms. One shop owner by the name of Kee Whan Ha was one such person. He had rounded up many of fellow shop keepers and they all decided to protect what was theirs. Sadly, a security guard was killed in the riots, but their business was kept intact and so was the rest of the merchants' lives, due to the fact that the rioters were wary of the firearms. Not to mention the hundreds of lives that are saved everyday by a law-abiding citizen with a concealed-carry handgun, but that does not make the news because it does not push forward the media's anti-gun agenda. I wish I could have been inside that fake gun shop to prove to them how idiotic and wrong they are. More people are saved by firearms than killed. The next time someone tells you that firearms are "evil," take a word of advice from me, either prove them wrong with facts or just ignore them, because their foolishness will most likely come back to bite them in the end anyway.

Thank you Mr. Colion Noir. This could not be
more true.
This is exactly why I cannot stand anti-gunners.

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