Friday, April 17, 2015

The Biggest Sell Out of Rights

If you own one of these... do not turn it in! That is just a win
for the anti-gunners.
According to FoxNews, numerous Congressional Democrats have teamed up to destroy America's great Second Amendment. The liberal schemers decided that they would create the Support Assault Firearm Elimination and Education of our Streets Act. The creation of the Act is led by Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut. DeLauro had stated, very incorrectly might I add, "Assault weapons are not about hunting, or even self-defense. There is no reason on earth, other than to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible, that anyone needs a gun designed for a battlefield." Not only are the firearms that she wishes to ban and have turned in for a 2,000 dollar tax credit not true assault rifles, but for sake of argument, let us say they are, many people have hunted with AR-15s, AR-10s, VEPRs, AK platform rifles, etc. To finally get the facts correct, true assault weapons are firearms with a selective fire capability (meaning it can shoot in both semi-automatic and fully-automatic with a flip of a safety lever). However, after the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, many anti-gun Congressmen and women decided to attack "assault weapons," due to the fact that Adam Lanza had used Bushmaster AR-15 to murder 26 individuals, 20 of them being children. Anti-gunners felt that had the "evil gun" not been there to be fired by Lanza, then those who were killed would still be alive. However, this is sadly not the truth. You cannot stop crazy, and that is just what Lanza was, crazy. Unfortunately, he would have figured out a way to harm, if not kill, those people who were at the school. DeLauro's attempt to get law abiding citizens to turn in their firearms just to receive 2,000 dollars will leave them unprotected and is the biggest act of idiocy I have seen in quite a while. I would be greatly surprised if any red-blooded, pro-gun American will not see that this Act is just more backdoor gun control and I would be even more surprised if they turn in their firearms.

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