Thursday, April 30, 2015

Rioting: Is it Ever the Answer?

Freddie Gray being arrested after falling on the ground and
breaking his vertebrae.
According to Al Jazeera, the death of Freddie Gray has caused much more than sadness for the family of Mr. Gray. Riots have broken out in the streets and people have looted or burned stores. Police patrol cars lay burning in the streets with their windows smashed in. All of this is occurring because one man had received spinal injuries during a foot chase with police. After being taken into custody due to making eye contact with police and running, the man, by the name Freddie Gray, passed away three days later. Of course, many people took this as just another instance of "police brutality." However, had they taken a few seconds to analyze the video, they would have realized that Gray most likely received his injuries when he fell and hit the curb, directly in line with his spine. Really, the only mistake the police made was carrying the suspect to the back of their patrol van instead of calling for an ambulance, as he was injured. After the funeral, protesters began looting and rioting. The protesters even went so far as to attack officers with flaming garbage cans. Thirty-four protesters were arrested at that instance and more continue to be arrested for rioting. Due to the shear stupidity of destroying the property these citizens use everyday, Obama made a speech, condemning their actions. He stated that the rioters "should be treated like criminals." Calling the actions of the criminals "senseless violence and destruction." For once, I can say that I agree with the president, as Gray had nothing to do with the others that were rioting, yet they still destroy cars, buildings, and lives. The foolishness of their actions is bound to land them in one of two places, a prison or a grave.
A common sight in Baltimore, due to the rioting.

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