Friday, June 12, 2015

This is Completely Illegal

I do not know where the federal government thinks they get
their authority from, but I for sure know that a true American
gets it from the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
According to FoxNews, the State Department has proposed all new, unconstitutional legislation. This new legislation would ban any and all "unregulated" discussions about firearms and ammo on the internet. For those who would continue to speak and/or write about firearms, approval from the federal government would be required first. However, those who do not obtain approval first would receive up to a one million dollar fine and 20 years in jail. The National Rifle Association, or NRA, has stated that this new legislation would even cover blogs and forums, which are constantly used to pass technical and practical firearm information between each other. Of course, this proposed legislation is completely and utterly unconstitutional and illegal. Originally, anti-gunners would simply attack the 2nd Amendment by using the 1st Amendment. However, now they attack the 2nd Amendment by attacking the 1st Amendment and threatening pro-gunners with an excessive fine and jail time, which is an infringement upon the 8th Amendment. Of course, this legislation was written by individuals that understand absolutely nothing about firearms. The same situation happened in San Francisco. When the NRA confronted the state about their handgun laws, many of the original laws remained in place, but one, absolutely ridiculous new law was introduced. The law stated that bullets that expand upon hitting its target, known as hollow-point bullets, should be banned, as they have "no sporting purpose." However, this is completely not true, as hollow-point bullets are the most effective at putting down animals quickly while hunting. Hollow-point bullets are also extremely effective in the world of self-defense. The fact that the state's Supreme Court banned such ammo on the basis that they have "no sporting purpose" just proves that they have no knowledge of anything involving firearms and ammunition. No matter how much the federal government attempts to silence those who appreciate firearms, such as myself, they will never stop talking about the things they love. I will never discontinue my speech in support of firearms, no matter what the federal government may do, especially if the legislation is unconstitutional. If anyone is actually imprisoned for speaking about firearms, then a lawsuit would be brought onto the federal government so quickly the government would have no time to react, especially if multiple people are imprisoned. Not to mention the possibility of revolt, considering the Declaration of Independence tells us the we Americans have an obligation, not a choice, but an obligation to revolt if a government attempts to restrict our rights.

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