Dylan will use this blog for various projects in Mr. Varley's World News class in the 2014 to 2015 school year.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Chicago Needs to Get Their Head Out of the Clouds
According to Al Jazeera, the "wonderful" city of Chicago is getting prepared for another summer and year of violent crime and murder. On May 23 of this year, within just two hours, three shootings occurred, resulting in numerous dead and greatly injured. In just a weekend's time, 12 lay dead and 40 were wounded. This violence occurred just after Mayor Rahm Emanuel's inauguration. Mayor Emanuel has stated his intentions to attempt to end the violence in the city. One concept that many have stated in the past is programs that are alternatives to incarceration. However, there is also very controversial talk of passing a law stating that shootings would be marked as domestic terrorism. One mother had her son shot down after a party in Chicago's South Side. She states that she was told that approximately 200 people most likely witnessed her son's murder, yet not a single one has come forth with information to the police, due to Chicago's "no snitch" policy. Of course, as Chicago's weather heats up, so does the violence. It has actually been proven that there are much greater amounts of crime during the warmer seasons, especially the summer. However, if Chicago, along with other politically "Blue" cities in the country, pulled their heads out of their little gun control fairy tale land, they would realize that the problem is not firearms. Every time violence hits Chicago, they introduce more gun control, which results in criminals having more freedom and more innocent people dying because, let us face it, criminals are criminals because they do not follow laws, so they are not going to follow any new firearm laws. Cities need to realize that banning firearms will not end violence. England's crime rate is through the roof, and they ban all firearms. Clearly banning firearms causes a greater increase in crime. Hopefully, America's cities will take a hint from England's failures and allow firearms in their walls soon.
Iraqveteran8888: Eric and Barry explain why cities
should not determine the laws for everyone else in
the state, as well as the fact that cities cause a great
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