According to
Al Jazeera, Florida State University has been making attempts to pass a bill to allow the concealed carry of handguns on the campus. The concept had created great support after a shooter, by the name of
Myron May, stormed into the college and opened fire. May was killed by police, but not before murdering two of his classmates and paralyzed another. After the shooting, the idea for students to be able to protect themselves collected great momentum and Greg Steube, one of Florida's Republican state representatives, is playing a major role in the passing of the law. Steube was an Iraq war veteran and believes that "People inherently have the right to defend themselves." When people may say that 21 year old individuals do not have the experience or knowledge to properly operate a firearm, Steube simply replies with, "...we don't have a problem with 17 and 18 year olds swearing an oath to our Constitution and entering into the US military." I personally could not agree more with Mr. Steube. However, Harrison Dubosar, the director of the Florida State University student government, claims that firearms would not mesh well with schools. He seems to believe that everyone would be suspicious of each other and that the college would fall into chaos. Dubosar could not be more incorrect. His statements clearly indicate that he does not understand the philosophy of
concealed carry. No one would even need to know someone was carrying unless a friend told another friend or a situation arose where someone needed to defend themselves or others with their firearm. Surprisingly, there is a Democrat who supports a pro-gun bill. She states that she understands not everyone should have a firearms, nor will everyone want to carry, but those who do wish to put their own protection in their own hands should have the ability to. She also believes that the bill will protect countless women for individuals who wish to sexually assault them. Another woman, who participates in classes at Florida State University, is actually against the passage of the bill. She claims that the bill is extremely dangerous, calling back to the age old argument, when people get drunk they will pull out their firearms and act stupid. She even pulled evidence of a Snapchat user who poses with illegal firearms while drunk. My only question is, how does she know they are illegal and if they are, why has he not been arrested yet? Steube has a counter argument for the "drunk and wild" argument, however. Steube stated that the drinking does not occur on campus, but instead in apartments and at frat houses, where firearms have been always been allowed to be carried, yet there have been no problems. Of course, as I am one of the biggest advocates for carry everywhere, I personally hope the law passes, as it would save countless lives, if not simply cause a mass shooter to think twice about becoming a mass shooter in the first place. Hopefully people will see the light and realize that we must take our own self preservation into our own hands.
Which seems better to you? Florida seems to know. |
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