According to
FoxNews, a two-star general in the United States Air Force, by the name of Craig Olson, runs the risk of being court-martialed for talking about God. General Olson gave a speech on "GOD TV" where he stated that God had given him the ability to perform all the actions he had ever done, including those of extreme difficulty in the military. After all the resounding claps ended, Olson asked the crowd to pray for the leaders of the Defense Department, as well as the soldiers that are getting ready to be sent to combat overseas. However, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation claims that Olson must be court-martialed and "aggressively and very visibly brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions." The foundation states that the general's statements have left "...countless members of the United States Air Force...utterly disgusted and shocked." Of course, I cannot believe this to be true, as there are many people in the entire United States military that are Christian, so therefore they would not be "...utterly disgusted and shocked" by Olson's statements. I could see a few being "...disgusted and shocked," but "...countless members" seems absolutely ridiculous. My only question is, what about all the Chaplains in the military that preach Christian values, are they performing "...unforgivable crimes and transgressions."? Unfortunately, this is not the only time Christianity has been attacked. When Congress meets weekly, they can be found in Room 219 in the United States Capitol, praying, and saying, "
seek God’s wisdom and guidance in leading our great nation." However, advocates of a secular state and leaders of other religious groups claim that the great nation of the United States of America was not founded as a Christian nation and that Christian values are not under threat, as many Christians state. Of course, the secular advocates and religious leaders are wrong. Let me explain with a rhetorical question. What was the religion of George Washington and the other Founding Fathers? And the fact that they say that Christian values are not under threat is a compete lie. Personally, I know that I can rarely speak of my Christian beliefs in my school, but atheists can state that Christianity is wrong all they want (Yes, this is an actual situation that has happened a few times in previous years). How easily we forget that our Pledge of Allegiance states, "...one nation under
Proof the America is still a country based on Christianity. |
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