According to
CNN, the terrorist group known as ISIS had originally begun its journey in terrorism by aiding Al Qaeda. The two fought alongside each other. Al Qaeda started out fighting the Russians and the other fought Americans. But after many years, ISIS broke off and became their own, more violent organization. ISIS is a much more difficult group to fight than Al Qaeda, according to an American official. This difficulty comes from the fact that they are a much more organized group that has much better training than Al Qaeda. Due to this greater ability to fight, ISIS has obtained much more land than Al Qaeda and performs like a government in the territories in which they seize possession. The organization imposes taxes and even steals and performs bribery to obtain what they want. ISIS has even managed to gain support around the world. People from Australia to Europe and all the way to America support Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS. ISIS claimed to have approximately
$2,000,000,000 to spend for budget and 10,000 soldiers in Iraq and Syria alone in 2014. One can only imagine how large an organization like this can get if they are not stopped quickly.

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