According to
Al Jazeera, due to the recent shooting of Sandy Hook, numerous schools have taken a great interest in the security of their students. One school in the state of Alabama had stated that, if the situation of a shooter or other harmful individual had intruded school grounds, students should attempt to disorient or even incapacitate the attacker with canned foods. Yes, you read that right, canned food. This decision has led many parents to become angry with the school, as they do not wish for their child to fight a harmful individual, they would much rather have them run and hide. However, the school assures the parents that they only wish to train the children if they should become backed into a corner with all their options exhausted, otherwise, they should attempt to run and hide. Many psychiatrists have stated that the training of children in the use of force against an attacker may cause trauma to the children's mental states. They also believe that the amount of metal detectors and other various security measures set in place at numerous schools create a sense of fear in students. Well, fear can also be created by a shooter, so I would rather have security in place. Of course, I would much rather have that security and teachers with firearms, just as many schools have put in place, one school in particular is
Fairview School in West Plains, Missouri. In Fairview School, teachers have been trained to carry handguns concealed into their classes. This has been done so that the firearms can be drawn upon in case of an emergency, similar to the one faced by those in the Sandy Hook school, but of course, the situation would be very different since these teachers can defend themselves and their students. Now, I am only on board with this as long as the teachers that participate go through extensive training, a background check, and visit the range or tactical shooting classes regularly. I would definitely feel a lot safer in a school with armed teachers, that is for sure.
This is why firearms are necessary in schools.
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