Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Anti-Gun Idiocy

According to USAtoday, a news anchor by the name of David Gregory was arguing for more gun control with Wayne LaPierre, the president of the National Rifle Association, or NRA. While doing so, he had displayed a 30-round magazine on the air. After doing so, detectives had attempted to obtain an arrest warrant for Mr. Gregory, as even simply possessing such an object in the city of Washington D.C., where the interview was taking place, is illegal. The warrant for his arrest was declined however. Of course, I do disagree with what Gregory was stating, as he was obviously anti-gun and stating incorrect information, but I also greatly disagree with the fact that detectives had attempted to arrest him just for displaying a stamped piece of aluminum. This is not the only incident where "high-capacity" magazines have been in issue. In the wonderful state of California (Yes that is meant in a sarcastic manner), a Supreme Court Justice named Anthony Kennedy had shot down the idea for the repeal of California's required 10-round capacity in magazines by the NRA in 2014. The ban on all magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition had been passed by approximately 66 percent of voters on March 6, 2014. The law also states that anyone who possesses a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition is committing a misdemeanor and must pay a fine of 1,000 dollars and/or spend six months in jail. Many people in California, and numerous other states, are angry with California's anti-gun stance and various laws that infringe upon the Second Amendment right that every American has the right to practice, unless that person lives in California of course. I personally find myself extremely disappointed with the idiotic state of California. California is a state with some of the toughest gun-control laws in America, number two being New York, yet it  has the second highest gang population, just behind Chicago. I will never live in a state that gives more rights to the criminals than the law-abiding citizens, as California's laws turn good people who have done nothing wrong into people who find themselves in a jail cell. Criminals are criminals because they do not follow the law, therefore they have free range in the states with more gun-control. I will leave you with a simple question; does inserting a piece of plastic or metal into another piece of plastic or metal instantly turn it into a murderous and destructive killing machine?

A polymer Magpul P-Mag that holds 30 rounds of ammunition.
This would be illegal in California.

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