Friday, February 27, 2015

The BATFE or ATF: Why They Must Go

M855 Ammunition aka "Green-tip bullets" alongside "orange-
tip" tracer rounds.
According to FoxNews, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or BATFE, has proposed a ridiculous bill. This new backdoor gun control bill will, if passed, ban any and all M855 ball 5.56x45mm ammunition. They state that the bill was passed to save the lives of police officers, due to the fact that M855 possesses a steel core that aids it in passing directly through a police officer's soft body armor. However, all rifle ammunition, even without a steel core, possesses too great a velocity that it would not matter, that is why the original bill passed by the BATFE specifically banned armor piercing handgun ammunition, but not rifle bullets. Of course, the BATFE being the anti-gun organization that they are, decided that they are going to attempt to stop the use of firearms by making bullets practically impossible to purchase for the working individual, so that the firearms are useless. For those who do not know, M855 is surplus ammunition from the United States military that many law abiding citizens purchase cheaply to have fun shooting at the range or to hone their skills at shooting courses. Not only is the BATFE limiting the law abiding citizen's ability to protect him/herself by banning cheap ammunition, but they are also creating a law that makes no sense other than to push an anti-gun agenda. While the BATFE is stating that they are trying to save police officers' lives with this law, let us not forget the ATF's (their original name) participation in the gun running operation: "Operation Fast and Furious." The ATF allowed thousands of fully-automatic firearms and even grenade launchers to be given to Mexican drug cartels. These cartels are still using said weapons to murder hundreds to thousands of innocent Mexican citizens and even an American Border Patrol member named Brian Terry. The ATF is responsible for those murders, as they gave those weapons to those murderers. The AFT, or BATFE, or whatever they are called, needs to be abolished, as they have no clue what they are talking about and their only wish is to take away the rights of those who wish to protect themselves from the criminals.
Sums up everything in eight minutes by the great Tim from
 Military Arms Channel.

Time for a Gun Rant

According to BBC, numerous people, including myself, believe that the idea of "gun-free zones" is utterly ridiculous. One woman, named Suzanna Hupp, had gone to a diner with her parents in Texas. She had the legal right to carry a concealed handgun, but due to the laws in Texas, she could not carry her firearm into the public restaurant. I could state the obvious here and say, "What is the point of having a firearm if the idiotic state legislature does not allow someone to carry it to protect one's self," but I will pretend for about three seconds that the state government of Texas knows what they are doing. Hupp's handgun was approximately 100 feet away in the truck that her family had driven down to the restaurant. Sadly, a man walked in without any confrontation and began shooting. He consecutively shot 32 individuals that just wanted to live their lives and eat a good meal, including both of Hupp's parents. After the incident, she has been heard saying, "Nobody could have stopped that guy from the first couple of murders but it sure wouldn't have been a body bag total of 32." This is the kind of actions that happen in gun-free zones that anti-gunners refuse to acknowledge. A criminal who wishes to rack up the body count will search for such areas that are free of firearms, as they know that there will be practically no resistance once the bullets start flying. May I remind you of the shooting at Aurora. The shooter did not go to the theater that was closest to him, nor the one with most amount of people; he went to the theater that banned firearms. The states with more citizens owning firearms has been proven to lower the amount of crime that happens in those states. States such as California and New York have a far greater murder rate, ranked up as high as 1,811 and 816 in 2010, respectively, compared to Kentucky and Maine, which only had 180 and 24 in 2010, respectively. Obviously, the states with the greater crime rates have much less gun ownership due to the simple fact that a criminal is less tempted to attack an area if they even think that they could possibly die before killing others. If you were a criminal, would you attack a mall or public building if you even had the thought that there were law abiding citizens with handguns there to put an end to your killing spree before the police arrive? However, many anti-gunners are blinded by a bias against firearms that is unsound and also fueled by incorrect information. In "The Five's" video, "Why 'gun-free zone' is liberal for 'sitting duck'," practically all of the members state that they know firearms save lives, but of course, there is always that one person who is blind to the truth. One of the members, named Juan, said "the truth" (sarcasm) about how most firearms are used in America. Of course, his information was incorrect, so another member had to jump in and correct him. I wish there were more people who were in the media that knew what they were talking about when it came to firearms, then maybe people would not be influenced by the incorrect and idiotic media. Not to mention, the second amendment protect the media's beloved first amendment, as without citizens defending others with firearms, tyrannical individuals could easily take over or kill all those without firearms. No matter what someone's opinion is on owning firearms, once I become 21 and can purchase a handgun, I will never be seen in public without my carry handgun. Just remember, you have the right to not own a gun and call the police, and then they can show up at your house and take a picture of your body because you could not protect yourself. 

You Have Got to be Joking, Right?

According to Al Jazeera, due to the numerous accounts of sexual assault on college campuses across the nation, various pro-gun advocates have addressed a need for "campus carry." This type of firearm carry would allow students to carry a firearm on campus in order to defend themselves. However, many anti-gun figures, including former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, have called the wish for campus carry a "grotesque display of opportunism." Being anti-gun, Bloomberg and all the others who oppose the bill do not see that the wish to pass the law is not to get more firearms in America, but to protect and save the lives of those who are being sexually assaulted. Many against the passing of the bill state that "...they're [pro-gunners] denying the indisputable fact that the vast majority of campus assaults are perpetrated by a partner, friend, or close acquaintance — the types of people around whom people would never think to carry a gun." Again, the anti-gunners do not understand how firearm culture works. When one decides to carry, they do not carry when it is convenient, or say, "Oh, I am only going to the store. I don't need my gun." Instead, a concealed or open carry permit holder carries his or her firearm everywhere, due to the simple fact that an everyday convenience store run, can turn into a gunfight with no warning. This is all because humans are unpredictable, just as the girls who were harmed know. The situation that happened to those girls that scarred them for life would have been very different had campus carry been allowed. As Students for Concealed Carry, an organization of students that lobbies for the right to concealed carry on college campuses, stated, "Until college campuses can guarantee a student will never encounter a threatening situation, they must never prohibit students from their own means of protection." Not only would the simple fear of the possibility of someone carrying deter a possible sexual deviant from performing the crime, but if that does not, then a bullet will. As 20 to 25 percent of college women have either been sexually assaulted or have had someone attempt to sexually assault them, firearms seem to me as one of the greatest deterrent and possible deadly force solutions. Even one woman by the name of Amanda Collins, who was sexually assaulted on campus in 2007, had stated that she could have defended herself had she been allowed to carry her firearm that she had the legal permit to carry, yet her college was a "gun free zone." Of course, her attacker did not listen to the sign that banned firearms and carried one anyway. Firearms would change the outcome of almost all sexual assaults in all areas of the world, not just college campuses, yet anti-gunners seem to be blinded by their ignorance.

The Right Kind of Vigilantism

According to FoxNews, Mexico attempted to stop the use of vigilante forces that had been trying to halt the influence of the Knights Templar Cartel that plagued numerous Mexican cities. These vigilante forces called themselves "self-defense forces" and they banded together due to an immense outrage against the Knights Templar that appeared suddenly in the country and proceeded to commit extortion and murders. Along with such actions, the cartel also trafficked various drugs. While the government of Mexico allowed the vigilantes to act freely, due to the fact that they were aiding the police, in recent years, the Mexican government wishes to recruit the members of the self-defense forces into a new "rural police force." Those that do not to join the rural police force could always just return to their ordinary lives, yet they would be the reserve forces for the rural police force to be called upon if needed. Along with joining an "organized" force, all civilians would be required to register their firearms, but many of the old members of the self-defense forces do not wish to do such actions. Even those who agree with joining refuse to register their firearms. One of the members of a self-defense force, Rene Sánchez, went so far as to state, "This (demobilization) agreement is just something to appease the government. With them, or without them, we are going to keep at it." However, the government's attempts to disband the vigilantes I personally find to be unfounded. There are still numerous cartel members at large and the vigilantes were doing well to push the Knights Templar out of multiple cities and towns. Around March 31, 2014, one of the high ranking members of the cartel had been killed by Mexican marines, yet there still remain countless others to take his place, such as Servando Gomez "La Tuta," "The Uncle," and others. I personally believe that the self-defense forces should have been left alone, as they were making progress in destroying the Knights Templar Cartel. Also, the vigilantes were not corrupt and they were not using the locations taken back to their advantage, instead, they were giving the poor a place to live and supplying jobs back to their rightful owners. Of course though, the Mexican government is known for their corruption, so anyone who is not corrupt, such as the self-defense forces, must be brought into the corruption (I mean this in the government's thought process, not my own). I believe that the vigilantes must continue to fight for their land and fight for their rights against both the Knights Templar and the government (if necessary). If you wish to know more about this topic, Vice News produced a great video on the subject, however, viewer discretion is highly advised, as the content is extremely graphic and contains violent scenes.

One of the numerous symbols of the Knight's Templar Cartel.

Seventy Years After the Flag

According to USAtoday, the truly famous photograph of United States Marines raising an American flag on top of a hill on the island of Iwo Jima celebrates its 70 year anniversary this week (2/22/15-2/28/15). This photograph, which marked the victory of one of the bloodiest battles of World War II, possesses an odd history behind it. As the Marines were raising the second flag on the top of the hill, due to the first one being "too small," the photographer with the Marines, named Joe Rosenthal saw the great image and quickly took the picture. Unsure if he was able to document the triumphant moment, Rosenthal commenced to collect all the Marines in front of the flag for a "gung-ho" picture with rifles raised above their heads and cheering. When Rosenthal makes his way to Guam, he is greeted with praise and even messages from New York stating how great his picture was. The issue was, he had absolutely no clue as to what picture he was receiving praise for. Not sure if he had achieved a successful photo with the flag raising photo, he assumed he was getting patted on the back for the "gung-ho" picture, so when asked, "Joe, did you pose it?" he would reply that he had. Later, however, when Rosenthal had seen tear sheets of the photo of the flag being raised, he proceeded to tell people that the photo had not been staged, and that his previous statement was just a misunderstanding. Of course, his reputation was not demolished and he later was given a Pulitzer Prize for his photograph. Mr. Rosenthal explained in an interview, before his unfortunate death in 2013, that the photograph was taken not for him to receive praise, but to display the honor and courage of the Marines who fought on that fateful day. Unfortunately, in 2008, the final veteran of the Marines who fought to take the small island of Iwo Jima had passed away from natural causes. Raymond Jacobs, the United States Marine who was a radio operator who was present for the photograph of the first flag, died at the age of 82. After World War II, Jacobs fought in the Korean War and ended up retiring as a sergeant. However, he will forever be engraved into history as one of the Marines who was standing tall on the island of Iwo Jima, which is now known as Iwo To. Every last one of the soldiers who fought on that island and in any conflict in any part of the world for the United States of America deserve nothing but respect.

The "Gung-Ho" Photo

Friday, February 20, 2015

Not A Very Good Time to Be A Security Contractor

According to Al Jazeera, Kabul airport was the scene of four deaths by a member of the Taliban forces on a Thursday evening, three of which were American security contractors. The Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, had been the one to forward the message to the rest of the world. The area of the airport that was attacked by the lone gunman was stationed by members of military. Unfortunately, the contractors and other members of Afghan military were not alerted to the attackers presence due to the simple fact that he was wearing a uniform that was would be worn by an Afghan police officer. It is believed that the uniform was obtained because the Taliban member had managed to cause the Afghan forces to believe he was a member of their force, yet his true goal was entirely different than theirs. It is unknown what motivated such actions by one man, however, "an investigation has been opened." One possible theory as the why one would attack and kill such people (Private security contractors), is due to the immense hatred and animosity for contractors in the Middle East. In 2010, there were even individuals in Afghanistan who wished to ban the use of contractors in the country all together. The president of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, set a decree that stated all civilian contractors would be required to leave the country within four months of the decree being set in motion. This decree was wished upon due to the fact that contractors are not under the Afghan law; they can technically do whatever they please. However, practically all know their limits and would not cross the line of the rules set forth by their own company. Of course, the decree must not have been set in play, since contractors are still fighting in the Middle East, especially Afghanistan, and more contractors find themselves being sent to the war-torn lands of the Middle East. I personally do not believe that contractors should be banned, as they are, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than extremely well paid soldier and should not be treated as murderers and thieves, but instead as regular soldiers.

Just Another Reason I Do Not Like California or New York

This is a custom Airsoft gun from my personal favorite company: Airsoft GI
According to Al Jazeera, the New York attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, had told multiple stores and retailers to discontinue the sale of banned toy guns, due to the fact that they were "indistinguishable from the real thing." This was done by sending out cease and desist letters. Of course, New York being the anti-gun state that it is apparently has a law that states toy guns cannot be "realistic colors" unless the false firearm possesses a "non-removable, one-inch wide orange stripe running down both sides of the barrel" according to the attorney general. But, just as New York's politicians are usually wrong when it comes to firearms, they are incorrect about the laws pertaining to mock firearms as well. The fact that the orange must be "non-removable" is ridiculous, as a little bit of spray paint would remove that in a second, plus the well-known "orange tip" on the end of a toy gun, must only be on the replica for shipping. Once the toy or replica reaches its final destination, the owner may do whatever he or she wishes with it, including replace the orange tip with a matte black one if wanted. This action is most commonly seen and done in the sport of Airsoft, where contestants use replica firearms that are practically identical to real firearms in size and shape to simulate combat, the only major difference is that the replicas fire plastic BBs. Airsoft is a major hobby of mine, and I personally acquire much of my equipment from California, which is where Airsoft is the biggest in the country. However, California just cannot seem to get enough of taking guns away from their citizens. They even go so far as to try to make airsoft replicas bright like Nerf guns. Senator Kevin de Leon has been quoted stating, "This is about saving lives." Now, had any other state been heard saying this, I may have believed them, as police officers have shot approximately 200 individuals who were wielding mock firearms. I do not fault them for this decision, as a split-second hesitation could mean the end of one's life, but with California's known anti-gun stance, I cannot help but feel like this is just another way to regulate anything even remotely similar to the firearm world. Of course, numerous Republicans are objecting the bill, as real firearms are already being manufactured in bright and "flashy" colors, including hot pink, royal blue, and multicolored swirls. The Airsoft Safety Foundation is opposing the law as well. However, I am sure many more were for such a law to be passed after the shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old who was waving what appeared to be a firearm at people in Cleveland. When police arrived on scene, they told Rice to put his hands up, but when he went for his waistband instead, they had no choice but to open fire. It was late found that the gun was actually an Airsoft handgun. What aggravates me the most is how people blame the police officers. They had no choice, except to shoot. Had they not shot, they could have been shot themselves, had the gun been real, which the police officers did not know. I personally disagree with restricting how a toy gun can look, as I believe it is the parents' responsibility to teach their children proper firearm etiquette. If more parents would properly teach their children how to respect a firearm, then a lot less people would perish for unnecessary reasons. 
Yes, these guns are fake and the people are playing the sport of Airsoft.

Why Isn't More Being Done About ISIS?!

According to FoxNews, the terrorist group known as ISIS has not slowed their terror attacks, if anything, they are advancing the pace at which the attacks occur. Just after even more beheadings, a cell of the terror group had attacked the Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi. In the attack, ISIS had commenced to burn the town, and in turn, burning approximately 45 Iraqis alive. Unfortunately, the hundreds of United States Marines stationed around five miles away were unable to reach the town, whether it be from a lack of communication and knowing the event was even occurring or just an inability to arrive fast enough. Even more depressing is the sad fact that the reports of this attack came very soon after the reports of the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians by members of ISIS. The Christians were marched along a beach, side-by-side with their soon-to-be murderer. After they reached the final destination, the captives were forced to kneel down and then one of the ISIS members, who wore different clothing than the rest, making him stand out, spoke a message to the camera. However, this message was different than the other speeches given, as it was in English. As a matter of fact, the entire event was different, due to the fact that multiple people were murdered brutally and the video does not cut out when the death begins. Many in the White House have stated their condolences and the White House spokesman, Josh Earnest, has said that such acts of violence display the "urgent need" for a political resolution to the situation. However, I am saddened to say that there is no political solution. The only solution for terrorists is a bullet. I once heard someone say, "The only way to stop violence is with greater violence," and that is the mentality needed for murderers such as ISIS. While America may not be such a frame of mind, the country of Iraq has placed Special Forces units to combat ISIS by using the same weapons most terrorists use, firearms and bullets. Now, do not get me wrong, they are not fighting in the same manner at the in human murderous terrorists, the Iraqi Special Forces are just leveling the playing field with some great tactics and firepower. And from the best of my knowledge, Private Military Contractors have been aiding the Iraqis as far back as 2007 and possibly even earlier. Hopefully, more will be done about ISIS in the near future.
Why do these people not fight back? If death is imminent,
would fighting not be a better option?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Puerto Rico: The Murder Capitol of the World

According to ViceNews, Puerto Rico, one of the toughest locations on Earth for gun control, has the highest number of murders by firearm in the entire world. Ninety-one percent of Puerto Rico's murders being from the use of firearms in the hands of criminals. In the year 2011 alone, the nation had over 1,100 murders. The year after, Puerto Rico found its murder rate higher than that of countries known for war-torn landscapes, such as Sierra Leone, Guatemala, and Honduras. The police have attempted to crack down on the use of illegal firearms and murders, but it has not done very much, as Puerto Rico continues to have massive amounts of murders each year. Sicarios are known for their aid in this rising body count. Sicarios are roughly translated to "assassins" or "hitmen." They have access to great amount of firearms, including fully automatic firearms, which are even illegal in states with barely any gun control, unless the owner has a class III license and pays a 200 dollar tax stamp, plus the ridiculous price of the fully automatic firearm itself. Of course, the great difficulty to own firearms in Puerto Rico allows
criminals to possess them, but not the law abiding citizens, so therefore they have no means of protecting themselves. However, there has been a large surge of firearm ownership in Puerto Rico by women. This is primarily due to one woman by the name of Wanda Torres and her story. Mrs. Torres is a hair stylist and one night she had been closing up her shop when one man broke in. The man proceeded to aim a handgun directly at her chest at point blank range. Had Mrs. Torres not had a firearm, she would most likely be dead, but that is not how the story goes. She drew her Glock 31 handgun and, after being shot in the chest, shot the man in the groin and then two more times after that. They both lived, but when Mrs. Torres was in the hospital, the same man she shot had been wheeled in on a stretcher into the room she was in. He received 15 years in jail and she gets to smile when she tells her story. Unfortunately, due to Puerto Rico's absurd gun control laws, it is pretty much easier to purchase and carry an illegal firearm than a legal carry gun for protection. Even more insane is that people do not see that having a legal firearm will save the children that continuously perish every five minutes in Central America. I hope that the new NRA branch in Puerto Rico can teach those in the area that firearms have the ability to save lives, not just take them. Who knows, that might even knock some sense into the anti-gunners in the United States that firearms are not terrible and evil devices.

Minor language used. Viewer discretion advised.

Probably the Best Controversy in Years

Get one of these...
According to CBSnews, a Missouri truck dealership by the name of Max Motors in Butler had offered those who purchased a truck from the dealership one of the best deals I have personally heard in years. A free AK platform rifle would be given to any customer who purchased a truck. However, the owner of the dealership, Mark Muller, was not just handing out rifles to anyone, instead, he was giving vouchers to those who were of stable mind and possessed a concealed carry permit. After the voucher was obtained, the customer would be required to bring the voucher to a Federal Firearms Licensed dealer, or FFL dealer. Once the voucher was brought to an FFL dealer, an AK platform rifle would then be given to the customer after a background check was conducted. The whole point behind choosing an AK rifle, instead of some other form of advertising, was to create controversy. He knew the firearm would create controversy simply because the AK is one of the most iconic firearms in the world. It is suspected that approximately 70-100 million AK rifles were in circulation in the year 2005. It has been produced by almost every other country in the world as well, including China, Romania, Bulgaria, and Serbia. Most AK rifles are relatively cheap, yet decently portable, but oddly heavy for a standard infantry rifle of its size. Of course, the AK has received a terrible reputation due to the common use of AKs in war zones and sales on the black market. I personally am a major fan of the AK platform rifle, so therefore I do not mind the handout of vouchers for AK platform rifles by Mark Muller. I also disagree with the distaste toward the rifle and outlook at them as the "bad guy's gun," as the AK is a great rifle that has the capability to hit targets at great distances and is extremely reliable. I would be very happy to see more AKs used by law abiding citizens to get rid of the stigma. 

...with one of these.

Anti-Gun Idiocy

According to USAtoday, a news anchor by the name of David Gregory was arguing for more gun control with Wayne LaPierre, the president of the National Rifle Association, or NRA. While doing so, he had displayed a 30-round magazine on the air. After doing so, detectives had attempted to obtain an arrest warrant for Mr. Gregory, as even simply possessing such an object in the city of Washington D.C., where the interview was taking place, is illegal. The warrant for his arrest was declined however. Of course, I do disagree with what Gregory was stating, as he was obviously anti-gun and stating incorrect information, but I also greatly disagree with the fact that detectives had attempted to arrest him just for displaying a stamped piece of aluminum. This is not the only incident where "high-capacity" magazines have been in issue. In the wonderful state of California (Yes that is meant in a sarcastic manner), a Supreme Court Justice named Anthony Kennedy had shot down the idea for the repeal of California's required 10-round capacity in magazines by the NRA in 2014. The ban on all magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition had been passed by approximately 66 percent of voters on March 6, 2014. The law also states that anyone who possesses a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition is committing a misdemeanor and must pay a fine of 1,000 dollars and/or spend six months in jail. Many people in California, and numerous other states, are angry with California's anti-gun stance and various laws that infringe upon the Second Amendment right that every American has the right to practice, unless that person lives in California of course. I personally find myself extremely disappointed with the idiotic state of California. California is a state with some of the toughest gun-control laws in America, number two being New York, yet it  has the second highest gang population, just behind Chicago. I will never live in a state that gives more rights to the criminals than the law-abiding citizens, as California's laws turn good people who have done nothing wrong into people who find themselves in a jail cell. Criminals are criminals because they do not follow the law, therefore they have free range in the states with more gun-control. I will leave you with a simple question; does inserting a piece of plastic or metal into another piece of plastic or metal instantly turn it into a murderous and destructive killing machine?

A polymer Magpul P-Mag that holds 30 rounds of ammunition.
This would be illegal in California.

Friday, February 6, 2015

When Non-Lethal Goes Too Far

The Alternative in all its orange glory.
According to FoxNews, police forces in Ferguson, Missouri have recently been searching for a new, less lethal, alternative to expelling lethal ammunition from firearms when confronted by an assailant. They believe that the answer to their search may have been found. A company by the name of Alternative Ballistics, which is a California-based corporation. Their alternative to lethal ammo is conveniently called "The Alternative." The Alternative acts in a very easy to use manner. All that is necessary to do is to slide it onto the barrel and fire the handgun. The bullet becomes lodged inside a large orange ball that is located at the end of the barrel and is ejected at a slower velocity than that of the standard bullet, but supposedly fast enough to stun the target. I personally do not see any validity in such a project, as it is a "one shot and throw away" type of weapon, where a taser can be fired multiple times, just so long as a new cartridge is inserted into the taser itself. Now, of course, The Alternative would most likely never have seen the light of day had it not been for the events that took place in Ferguson, Missouri. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past six, almost seven months now (2/5/15), then you most likely know what happened in Ferguson. Just in case, however, here is a quick rundown of the events. On August 9, 2014, a police officer by the name of Darren Wilson had shot a teenager by the name of Michael Brown. Many people began calling the shooting a "racist shooting," due to the fact that Darren Wilson was white and Michael Brown was black. Riots and looting precipitated in the city, along with protest against police brutality and "police racism." Also, this had caused many in the government to begin attempting to regulate the police forces of America. Of course, as I stated in my blog "What is With All the Hatred Toward Police?", I do not agree with the major media about police racism. I also do not believe police need so many regulations. For less lethal means, a taser is all that is necessary. The more equipment someone has, the more confused they will get, no matter how intelligent they are, that is just human nature. "Keep it simple, stupid."
The Alternative would not be necessary if this did not happen
in Ferguson and other cities in America.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

What is With All the Hatred Toward Police?

Alyn Beck and Igor Soldo
The two officers who were sadly killed in Las Vegas.
According to USAtoday, two police officers were killed in a CiCi's Pizza while they were having lunch by a man and a woman. However, before eventually being sadly killed, one of the officers had managed to fight back and return fire. Unfortunately, the officer did not manage to neutralize the threat and the two had managed to make their way to a Wal-Mart that was across the street from the CiCi's Pizza and killed another individual. It is unknown just what the motivation behind the attack was, but one of the suspects yelled, "This is a revolution," and articles of white supremacy paraphernalia had been found in the couple's possession during the investigation. This shooting had taken place in 2013, and, unfortunately, it has not been the only one, especially in recent days. Very recently, around the time of January 9, 2015, a police officer had been shot in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He had been shot on a busy intersection. Unfortunately, his condition was not released to the public. This event had taken place less than one whole week after another officer had been shot, but not killed, for what appeared to be a routine drunk driver. Perhaps these attacks have been in response to the recent "race shootings" by white officers against black civilians. Of course, I personally do not agree with almost every person in cities, as the all seem to believe that all police officers are racist and corrupt, which is just not true. However, due to the main media sources of America fueling the idea of race violence by police, many people seem to believe more and more that the "chokehold" of Eric Garner (Which was not a chokehold, by the way) and other shootings of "unarmed" black men by white officers are racist. Although, if people could set aside the concept of racism for a few minutes, they would see that all the "violence" and "brutality" are actually people performing their jobs properly when someone is attempting to jeopardize his or her life. I personally believe that all the hatred and disgust toward police is misplaced and unfounded in any logic or truth.

Boko Haram: A Long History of Jihadists in Africa

According to BBC, the jihadist group that is known as Boko Haram, meaning "Western education is a sin," has been attacking and kidnapping many individuals in the northern locations of Cameroon. Now, of course, this is nothing new to those who have been paying attention to the news in the past months and years. The motive behind such demonstrations of violence is what may be news to some. The attacks against civilians had truly begun once the Cameroon government began sending troops to search and assault locations of hiding that Boko Haram were using. I am not saying that it is the government's fault that civilians are being hurt by Boko Haram. Of course, something had to be done about them. However, due to a severe stress and fear, the group began to attack anyone they did not see as a member of their gang or a jihad. Unfortunately, this is not the only time that Islamic extremists have plagued Africa's beautiful lands with pain and misery. In 2013, Al-Qaeda had been present in the North African country of Mali. They had been causing great difficulty for the residents and civilians who lived in Mali, as Al-Qaeda usually does. Due to the Islamic extremists' actions, French troops were sent in to suppress the individuals. The French were worried about "a terrorist state at the doorstep of France and Europe," according to the French Defense Minister. In village centers, Islamic jihadists could be found beating, flogging, and amputating civilians. I know I have said it before, but I believe that it needs to be said again, all Islamic extremists must be stopped, especially the newest to the scene of terrorism, ISIS.

The only way to get rid of rabies is to shoot the animal.

So Much For Happily Ever After

Charles Manson and his 26-year-old fiancé.
According to CBSnews, the 80-year-old murderer Charles Manson will have his marriage license expire soon and he has yet to marry his 26-year-old fiancé. Unfortunately, you did read that right, his fiancé is 54 years younger than him. Their 90-day license of marriage is set to expire the fourth of February this year (2015). His fiancée is expecting to receive another 90-day license after the first one expires. She plans on marrying him because she appears to truly believe that he is an innocent man. Of course, he is not an innocent man and the possibility of his marriage would never have happened had Manson been sent to the gas chamber back in 1971. After the trial, when he was being led out of the courtroom, he had said, "you don't have any authority over me. You're not nearly as good as me." to the judge and jury. He was not the only one under trial for the same crimes. Due to the fact that Manson had created his very own cult, others, who were under the influence of the drug LSD, had murdered for Mr. Manson. Those two cultists that were in the trial had been dragged out screaming of the room. Obviously, Charles Manson had not gotten the death sentence as originally planned. Now, he plans on marrying someone who is way too young and is a little on the obsessive side, if I do say so myself.