Dylan will use this blog for various projects in Mr. Varley's World News class in the 2014 to 2015 school year.
Friday, June 5, 2015
The Civil War in Syria Rages On
According to ViceNews, a rebel force, now run by Al Qaeda leadership, continues to defend the country of Syria against corrupted government forces. This civil conflict has lasted approximately four years, but shows no signs of ending any time soon. Originally, the government regime appeared to have won the war against the rebels. However, in recent days, a new coalition has been able to take back much of the territory lost to the regime. Many of the rebels have been supplied and trained by the United States and Gulf Kingdoms. FSA mortar teams to bomb government run cities and roadways in an attempt to cut off their supply routes. While the rebel forces may have been able to take back much of the land they had lost, this does not mean they had not faced many casualties along the way. One of the city centers had been taken by the rebels entirely intact, but after countless aerial assaults from the government regime, the city has been left to ruin. The rebels have still managed to survive and call the city home, even with all the damage. With all their strength to push through the punishment the government continually throws at the rebels, the rebels managed to defeat the government regime in numerous occasions, resulting in the confiscation of government equipment. However, government snipers cover many of the routes used by the rebel forces. Also, the government forces barrel bomb cities, as many of their ground troops have been defeated. This barrel bombing has forced many families to run to safer locations, such as refugee camps and Turkey. However, many refugees find that they cannot flee to these locations, so they hide out in the mountains. This technique of barrel bombing was recently used in Aleppo, killing 75 individuals. Dozens of other people were injured by this barrel bombing in Aleppo. Personally, while I originally supported the rebel forces in Syria, due to the new Al Qaeda backing, I no longer support them. I most certainly do not support the government's agenda, though. The government over their is extremely corrupt and must be put to an end. However, the new government should not be Al Qaeda based, as we have all seen how that has turned out in the past. I understand that the Syrian rebels needed support, but Al Qaeda was most certainly a bad choice on their part. The world can only hope that the present Syrian government is brought down and the new government that takes its place is not backed by Al Qaeda.
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