Marilyn Mosby: The prosecutor that does not even know
her own state's laws. |
According to
CBSnews, the six police officers that had been charged with Freddie Gray's death in Baltimore wish for the top prosecutor to be off the case, if not have the entire case dropped entirely. The police officers' charges ranged from assault to second-degree
"depraved heart" murder, which, by definition of "depraved heart" murder, the officers will easily be let off. Clearly, by the charges and wording used by the prosecution, Marilyn Mosby, the top prosecutor in Baltimore, has become "overzealous" and "politically motivated." This political motivation has caused the officers' attorneys to ask for Mosby to be let off the case or for the case to be dismissed. Mosby continues to state that the officers involved in Freddie Gray's arrest was unlawful, as the reason for his arrest, a
switchblade, was legal, according to Mosby. However, the officers' attorneys correctly state that the switchblade, by Maryland's Penal Law, is illegal and therefore the officers had arrested Gray 100 percent lawfully. In the midst of this case, Baltimore has begun investigated alleged accounts of "
excessive force" among officers. The investigations would be extremely similar to those conducted in Ferguson, Missouri and Cleveland, Ohio. I personally hope that Mosby is dropped from the case, if not the charges themselves. I believe that if a prosecutor does not know his or her own state's Penal Laws, they should not be attempting to charge someone with a crime, as they do not even understand the crimes they are charging them with. Mosby does not know what she is talking about and therefore should drop the charges, but I know she will not, as she has become too politically motivated by all the rioting and anger which is stirring around her. The officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray are innocent of all crimes and must be released as soon as possible.
The officers that arrested Freddie Gray. They must be
set free, as they are innocent. |
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