Protestors in support of Michael Brown. |
According to
CNN, the 2014 Ferguson, Missouri case about a police officer by the name of Darren Wilson that had opened fire and killed a black teenager by the name of Michael Brown was not the easiest case to settle for the grand jury. Among the witnesses were a number of false testimonies. The false "witnesses" admitted their only wish was to disrupt and confuse the grand jury into believing their particular side, whether it be pro-Wilson or pro-Brown. There had even been some that had changed and warped their story while being questioned. This was a big mistake, as this is one of the most obvious ways to tell someone is lying. However, in the midst of all the rioting and violence, President Barack
Obama decided to speak out. He stated that, when he took office in 2009, the violence between races was much worse. Yet, as people seek revenge for police just doing their jobs, Obama just reads headlines and makes statements based on that. I would not call someone
murdering two police officers in their vehicle due to "race violence" a drop in such violence. Maybe it is just my view with most police situations, but I will almost always side with the police. I do not believe that Michael Brown had his "hands up" and I do believe Darren Wilson made the right decision. The people of Ferguson most certainly had an incorrect response to a situation that had nothing to do directly with their lives.
The statistic the media does not want to tell the public. |
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