According to
USAtoday, in recent years, many Democrats have been pushing for stricter gun control, but one California Senator (of course it is in California), named Dianne Feinstein, is trying for the hardest and most restrictive gun control proposal ever. The list of firearms she wishes to ban is massive. If she could have it her way, all firearms would be banned, but she cannot do that, so she will pick apart every bit she can. Her proposal, if passed, would ban all AK pattern rifles, all AR-styled rifles, all Thompson rifles, UZIs, and the list goes on and on. The problem is, all of these firearms are semi-automatic and no more dangerous, sometimes even less lethal due to the smaller caliber, than the rifles that were used by citizens in the 50's to hunt and protect themselves. The newer rifles just look more "evil," so they are targeted by people who wish to ban firearms to the law-abiding citizen. The NRA has stated that a gun ban and/or large-capacity magazine ban would fail, but still Democrats push for gun control,
without listening to the people who actually understand what they are talking about, when it comes to firearms. Dianne Feinstein's ban would restrict the transferring, importation, and possession of approximately 100 "military-styled" firearms. Unfortunately, the NRA has taken massive amounts of flack since the Sandy Hook shooting. At a media event, Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice-president of the NRA was giving a speech. At one point, he had said, "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," which I agree with %100. However, after saying this, some people in the crowd began to give him a hard time. One of the people even had a banner that stated, "NRA Killing Our Kids." Dianne Feinstein also does not agree with the NRA, as they disagree with her beliefs. She is also
very incorrect in her information about which firearms are used in crimes. She has stated that the firearm that has been used most often in fights against the police is the AK-47. Besides the fact that finding a true, original Russian AK-47 in next to impossible nowadays, the truth is that handguns are most often used. Dianne Feinstein had aided in the creation of the original "assault-weapons" ban during the Clinton administration, which saw
little change in violent crime with firearms, so what makes her think this time it would work?
A ban on rifles, or any firearm for that matter, would do nothing to the
amount of murders, if not make them increase. |